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Food Sensitivity And Genetic Testing

Sound Medical Weight Loss

Weight Loss Physicians located in the Seattle area in Kirkland, WA

Experience the benefits of state-of-the-art laboratory technology to customize your diet and exercise program. Sound Medical Weight Loss provides Genetic Weight Management Panel and Food Allergy Testing to further individualize your program. Sound Medical Weight Loss is located in Kirkland, WA and serves the Eastside Seattle area. Call the office, or book online today!

Genetic & Food Sensitivity/ Allergy Testing Q&A

What are the benefits of Genetic Testing?

Genetic testing has moved into the mainstream and is the future of preventive health. This panel can help identify your specific genes that influence how your body processes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, micro-nutrients and more. Based on your unique genetic blueprint this test will also recommend what kinds of exercises will be the most effect for weight loss.

Sound Medical Weight Loss offers this genetic test in the office with a simple cheek swab. You’ll receive a comprehensive online report with specific details about the kinds of food and types of exercise your body needs for sustainable weight loss.

What are the benefits of Food Allergy Testing?

This blood test can help streamline the elimination diet process by revealing specific foods which may be triggering inflammation and leading to weight gain.

Food sensitivities can develop over time to certain foods, causing the immune system to become imbalanced, irritated, and up-regulated, which can lead to bloating, gastrointestinal discomfort, headaches, arthritis, fatigue, and weight gain.

Sound Medical Weight Loss offers food allergy testing in the office. Using a simple finger stick your blood will be analyzed and you’ll receive a comprehensive report that lists the degree of sensitivity you have with specific foods. Your provider will review your lab results with you, supervising your elimination and reintroduction process.

Many of our patients have experienced relief from long-term symptoms, as well as an enhanced ability to lose weight after having customized labs performed.