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We are all in this together

This quote is from an inspiring article written by acclaimed Italian novelist, Francesca Melandri, who has been under lockdown in Rome for three weeks due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Melandri wrote a letter to fellow Europeans from their "future," laying out the range of emotions people are likely to go through over the coming weeks.

These emotions are reflective of what so many of us here in the US are also experiencing. They are described in the words that seem to fail us as we sit at home or out on the front lines, trying to make sense of this pandemic.

If this quote and the article resonate with you, know that you are in good company -- it is only human to have a wide range of emotions in response to such a world-altering crisis.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out for support when you need it most.  Seek out friends, loved ones, and licensed medical professionals like Sound Medical Weight Loss. Dr. James is providing telemedicine appointments and we are still offering online Mindfulness coaching sessions with Mariel. 

We are here for you!

Sarah Eno Sarah Eno is passionate about supporting healthy lifestyle and mindset change. She graduated in Functional Nutrition in 2016. She has supported hundreds of individuals to a health-promoting lifestyle and believes that everyone has the opportunity to experience health. Sarah is a wife and mom of 3 boys. She loves cross-country skiing, yoga, her Peloton, and does fashion runway part-time.

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