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Patrick's Story of Success

Today, we're featuring a special Sound Medical Weight Loss patient, Patrick.

As of this writing, Patrick has lost over 35 pounds with Sound Medical Weight Loss' three-month program, and completely changed his mindset, habits, and self-care routines for good.

Read ahead for our interview with Patrick for a BIG dose of inspiration!

Q: how did you get started with Sound Medical Weight Loss' program?

A: I took a medical leave in order to kick off the program and take the program seriously. I was on track for a negative health event -- I was really stressed out from my job mentally and physically, I was overloaded with work, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to do the program without taking a leave.

Q: and why did you choose Sound Medical Weight Loss?

A: I was referred by Sound Sleep Health. I had underlying health conditions, which meant that I needed a medically-supported program. Now that I’ve gone past the age of 50, I’m taking more medications too. I wanted to do what I could to control all of this. All of my underlying conditions were exacerbated by stress weight I put on from my job (and the pandemic). My body was telling me it was time to do something. Medically-supervised weight loss seemed like the right place to start to reduce the stressors on my body and mind.

Also, I wasn’t going to do a program unless I did it right. I didn't want to do a "traditional" commercial program (like Weight Watchers or 30/10). I wanted something that was laser focused on my health with an optimal outcome.

I’ve put in a LOT and have gotten a lot out of it.

What I appreciate most at Sound Medical Weight Loss is the professional guidance and medical advice on how to accomplish my goals.

A lot of the program was learning to eat healthfully, which was a shift from where I was before. I never learned to eat in a way that helped me lose or maintain weight until I came here. There are things you think are nutritious that may or not be. Coming to Sound Medical Weight Loss, you actually start seeing the impact to your body in a variety of ways, not just weight – fat mass, blood work, etc. It’s a holistic perspective you won’t get with an off-the-shelf program. You only get this with a professional medical weight loss program.

Q: how do you make the program work for you?

A: The thing I will take with me the most is to be able to adapt to a new way of selecting food and eating.

It doesn’t mean I need to give up everything I was eating before forever. It just means adjusting it.

For example, I still make my grandfather’s Croatian spaghetti meat sauce -- I just put it over spiralized carrots and zucchini. I learned that from Factor 75 and bought myself a $15 manual spiralizer and have LOVED the results! I still enjoy pasta dishes, just with vegetable noodles rather than grain noodles!

Also, my mindset going in was that I would make a FULL commitment to making this a way of life. I was serious when I came in and I’m serious today. But it’s not just about prolonging/avoiding negative health events; it’s also about staying healthy and feeling good today and tomorrow.

Q: how have you added exercise to your program?

I was already an avid cyclist, but I wanted to do more and find some things that bring me joy and were beneficial to overall health. One thing I started was foil fencing, which I love! Occasionally I jog/run too. I can now make it around Greenlake which is wonderful.

To deal with the weather, I chose fencing (indoors) and an indoor trainer for my bike. I ended up finding some videos (GCN) that motivated me with different goals to keep me excited about riding indoors.

I’ve also dabbled with Zwift, a smart cycling app. It allows you to race or ride in a virtual world. They even have live events. You ride with others and they keep me motivated as well.

I feel much healthier and better today.

I actually ENJOY things in this program. I chose exercises I LIKE rather than just doing it for the health benefit. Eating too-- I find joy in what I make and eat.

Q: what advice would you share with others?

A: if you’re ready, throw yourself in it 100%. Commit, do the work, and the program will work for you.

Find a way to feel JOY in the program. Results bring me joy and a sense of achievement, but it’s also important to have joy in the interim as well.

Don’t obsess and weigh yourself daily. If the overall trend is in the right direction, that’s fantastic. No matter what, don’t beat yourself up, keep going, and trust the professionals at Sound Medical Weight Loss! The roadmap they’ve laid out will work -- they know what they’re doing and you’ll get there.

It’s ok to not be perfect all the time; it’s just important to be consciously aware and balance. For me, Thanksgiving fell in the middle of the weight loss phase of my program! I was so worried, thinking "how will I eat when I go to a relative’s during Thanksgiving?" I learned to treat holidays and/or special occasions like Thanksgiving as a one off but not a free for all. I realized you can consciously choose some foods and beverages that you would normally avoid and pass on others. Thanksgiving offered a preview of how I would adapt learned healthy lifestyle behaviors to (post weight loss phase) real world circumstances. For instance, I chose to enjoy two glasses of wine, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a slice of a Factor 75 keto cheesecake that I brought for dessert but avoid stuffing/dressing (grains), cranberry sauce and pie (added sugars).

Also, BE HONEST with yourself and the app. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed – in order to get out of the program what you put into it, you need to be honest when you’re tracking and sharing.

Finally, be realistic with your goals. Focusing on being on the right trajectory is always the right approach.

Author - Sarah Eno

Sarah Eno is passionate about supporting healthy lifestyle and mindset change. She graduated in Functional Nutrition in 2016. She has supported hundreds of individuals to a health-promoting lifestyle and believes that everyone has the opportunity to experience health. Sarah is a wife and mom of 3 boys. She loves cross-country skiing, yoga, her Peloton, and does fashion runway part-time.