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Balancing the Scale and your Joint Health

Understanding Arthritis: Motion is Lotion

Osteoarthritis is a common form of arthritis that affects millions of people around the world. In 2017, a significant study led by Professor Ali Mobasheri, an expert in musculoskeletal physiology at the University of Surrey, was published in Nature Reviews Rheumatology, shedding light on this prevalent joint condition. In this article, we will explore what osteoarthritis is, the latest research findings, practical diet and lifestyle recommendations to ease arthritis symptoms, and ways to prevent its onset.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that primarily affects the cartilage, the protective cushioning between bones. As cartilage wears away over time, bones can rub against each other, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility. Osteoarthritis most commonly affects weight-bearing joints like knees, hips, and hands.

Latest Research Findings:

Researchers have discovered that various factors contribute to its development, including genetics, menopause, hormones, joint injuries, obesity, and repetitive joint use. Furthermore, inflammation within the joint plays a significant role in the progression of the disease. A ground breaking study lead by Professor Ali Mobasheri, an expert in musculoskeletal physiology at the University of Surrey, was published in Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 2017; 13 (5): 302 DOI: 10.1038/nrrheum.2017.50.  The study revealed how a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle causes changes to the metabolism. These metabolic changes put stress on cells which cause them to produce glucose (sugar) in the body. When extra sugar is not used for energy, it turns into lactic acid. Too much lactic acid is difficult for the body to eliminate and can lead to inflammation that settles into human tissue, like the cartilage in a joint.  Lactic acid collects in the joints contributing to the swelling and pain we associate with osteoarthritis.

Diet Recommendations for Arthritis Management:

Maintaining a balanced diet can help manage osteoarthritis symptoms and improve joint health. Consider these diet recommendations:


Lifestyle Recommendations for Arthritis Management:

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can make a significant difference in managing osteoarthritis:

Ways to Prevent Osteoarthritis:

While some risk factors like age and genetics are beyond our control, certain steps can be taken to lower the risk of osteoarthritis:


Osteoarthritis is a prevalent joint condition that can impact daily life, but with the right knowledge and proactive measures, its effects can be managed effectively. By adopting a balanced diet, engaging in joint-friendly exercises, and taking steps to prevent joint injuries, individuals can improve joint health and lead a fulfilling and active life. Remember to consult with our expert providers at Sound Medical Weight Loss for personalized guidance and support in managing osteoarthritis effectively.

Dr. Christine James Dr. Christine James As a regional leader in obesity medicine, Dr. Christine James helps people from the Seattle area transform their lives. She provides science-backed, individualized weight loss programs at Sound Medical Weight Loss in Kirkland, Washington. Dr. James specializes in helping patients improve their overall well-being, including their cardiovascular health and conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.

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